As part of its Holiday Party tradition, BWL collected toys for children of the families of Prototypes. Prototypes is a non-profit organization whose mission is to rebuild the lives of women, children and communities impacted by substance abuse, mental illness and domestic violence. Prototypes provides shelter for many women and children who otherwise would not have a place to live. The day after the Holiday Party, BWL Community Service Committee Chair Linda Rosborough and member Karen Pointer, delivered a van full of toys for Prototypes children to enjoy during the holiday season. During Thanksgiving, BWL members provided Prototypes with a trunk full of food for their annual Thanksgiving feast. In addition, BWL delivered a check to non-profit organization Jenesse Center, for all monetary donations received at the Holiday Party. Jenesse Center is a domestic violence prevention and intervention organization, providing housing and a variety of support services to transition families , including mental health counseling, independent life skills classes, computer training, job referrals, after school programs for children, and direct legal services. Community service is at the heart of BWL’s mission, and the holiday season is a perfect time for giving back.
December 17, 2016