During this country’s most politically charged and historical Presidential elections, on November 7th and 8th, 2016, BWL’s Pro Bono Committee, led by Jessica Youngblood, teamed up with the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law and Reed Smith LLP to staff the nation’s largest non-partisan voter protection hotline (866-OUR-VOTE). The Election Protection coalition works to ensure that all voters have an equal opportunity to participate in the political process. Hotline volunteers provided guidance to voters on how they can make sure that their vote is counted. The Regional Hotline Center, housed at the Downtown Los Angeles office of law firm Reed Smith LLP, received calls from San Diego County up to Inyo County, and from Santa Barbara County in the west through San Bernardino county in the east. The hotline fielded over 2,000 calls over two days, and served as a much needed resource for voters who had questions about their rights and ability to vote. On election day, one of the most critical needs arose after 3 polling places were closed on Tuesday afternoon following a shooting in Azusa. The hotline worked hand in hand with the field team, which could go on site to address election day issues. Using this partnership, Election Protection (through the help of one of our very own BWL members, Crystal Crawford) was able to remove a rogue poll worker that was unlawfully checking ID’s at a polling place, asking voters about their heritage, and expressing partisan views to the voters that appeared to cast their votes. The Election Protection effort gained significant news and legal media attention, including in an article in Bloomberg News, live coverage on the NBC local midday news, and an appearance by President Amber Finch on the CBS local evening news.
November 7, 2016